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Posted by Legal Team On December 9, 2014

Do not suffer unlawful employment termination

In at-will employment states like California, employers can terminate their employees for any reason and at any time, as long as the reason is not considered unlawful. However, there is a fine line between being unfairly fired from your job and being unjustly fired from your job….

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Posted by Legal Team On December 1, 2014

Age discrimination is illegal in California

California is a state that prides itself on being progressive with employment law, ensuring that all workers are treated equally and fairly regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or any other factor. Not only are employees legally protected against sexual harassment and wrongful termination, they are…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 25, 2014

Is there really protection from sexual harassment at work?

If you are being subjected to unwanted sexual advances or vulgar words or gestures, then you may have a serious legal matter on your hands. Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal in California law. Under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, as well as federal…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 17, 2014

Californian employers to pay hefty discrimination settlement

It can be hard enough to find work sometimes without being held back by other people’s narrow-minded views. Sadly, many workers in California struggle against discrimination and unfair treatment not only in their place of work, but even during the application process. Although it is natural for…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 11, 2014

Do not tolerate discrimination at work

As most employees will agree, when you are at work, you should be judged on the performance of your duties. If you work hard and follow the rules, surely there should be no problems. Unfortunately, for many employees in California, this is not the case. Every day…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 3, 2014

Understanding wrongful termination in California

Wrongful termination can sometimes be a difficult concept to grasp in a state like California, where employers can fire their employees for any reason and at any time as long as the termination is not unlawful. This is why it is important to know the exceptions to…

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Posted by Legal Team On October 27, 2014

Sexual harassment could be a problem in the restaurant industry

Sexual harassment is a real problem for many people in many places. Whether male or female, African-American or Caucasian, at work or at school, there are thousands of instances of sexual assault that range from inappropriate touching to lewd jokes or obscene gestures. The problem could be…

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Posted by Legal Team On October 16, 2014

San Diego disability discrimination lawsuit settled

People with disabilities are often required to lead fundamentally different lives from those without disabilities. These differences manifest themselves in more ways than just inability to use stairs or hear when someone is calling their name. Depending on the disability, people must cope in different ways, and…

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Posted by Legal Team On October 14, 2014

FEHA protections will extend to interns in 2015

We talk often about the importance of employee rights and the different protections afforded to employees under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act, but did you know that some of these protections will soon also extend to volunteers or unpaid interns?…

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Posted by Legal Team On October 6, 2014

Be aware of your rights as an employee

It is important to do your job well and to perform the functions of your occupation in a way that will please and impress your superiors. This often includes taking orders and being subordinate to those who are above you on the corporate ladder. However, it is…

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