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DOL bids to increase opportunities for disabled workers

Having a disability does not give a person any less right to work than anyone else. Unfortunately, some disabled individuals struggle to find jobs, not because they are not suited to the positions, but because some companies are hesitant to hire people with a disability. In California,…

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Wrongful termination could lead to compensation

Job security is one of the most important things to have in a tough economy, but struggling companies sometimes have to make cutbacks. Any number of issues can contribute to employment termination, from unacceptable performance on the part of the employee to lack of money on the…

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Posted by Legal Team On April 25, 2014

Men can be victims of sexual harassment, too

Sexual harassment is a multifaceted issue that can range from inappropriate gestures to inappropriate exposure. It is not abnormal for victims of sexual harassment to feel confused or angry or scared as a result of the harassment. It can make people uncomfortable at their place of work…

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Posted by Legal Team On April 17, 2014

Employee rights extend to weight in San Francisco

People have a right to feel comfortable and welcome at their place of work. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that reasonable accommodation is made for individuals with disabilities and that these individuals are not treated unfairly. And while discrimination issues such as race,…

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Gay man fired after suffering alleged workplace discrimination

It’s no secret that many work places are ruled by heterosexual males. While this in no way indicates that heterosexual males are prone to unfair treatment of others, in some cases personal bias can become an issue causing wrongful termination. Certain employers may be uncomfortable around individuals…

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Disability discrimination lawsuits are prevalent in California

There are a number of legal statutes in place to assist those living with disabilities. However, they are not always observed to acceptable standards. When these failures occur, disabled individuals can find justice and often receive compensation for another’s failure to comply with the Americans with Disabilities…

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Posted by Legal Team On March 26, 2014

Sexual harassment claim revived despite contract restriction

Sexual harassment can be one of the most terrifying and disgusting encounters in the workplace. Victims of sexual harassment may choose not to say anything for fear of retaliation either from their harasser or the company itself. They may also internalize the ordeal, wondering if perhaps they…

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Posted by Legal Team On March 19, 2014

Gay schoolteacher believes he was fired for marrying his partner

We live in a progressive society that is making rapid leaps when it comes to equality. Unfortunately, while public perception may be shifting, the change may not be as quick in the professional field. California is an “at-will” employment state, which means that most employers can fire…

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Posted by Legal Team On March 13, 2014

Wrongful termination costs Playboy millions

The workplace should be a place where employees can feel safe and secure based on their performance. If employees do their jobs well, they should look forward to going to work and being productive members of society. Unfortunately, the workplace can often be seen as a trap…

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Posted by Legal Team On March 6, 2014

California employee compensated for wrongful termination

Times are tough in today’s economy, and people need their jobs more than ever to maintain the lifestyle to which they are accustomed. Job loss can be one of the most devastating and stressful experiences in people’s lives. However, if employment is terminated for the wrong reasons,…

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