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Posted by Legal Team On February 22, 2024

What Are Sexual Harassment Victims Entitled to in California?

A victim of sexual harassment in California may wonder if it is worth speaking out and reporting the incident. We hear stories of harassment that have been overlooked and ignored. Taking action often places individuals in a vulnerable position financially, physically, and emotionally. Sexual harassment victims may…

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Posted by Legal Team On December 30, 2023

California New Employment Laws Effective January 2024

New laws will take effect at the beginning of 2024. Becoming familiar with new employment laws will allow employees to recognize California employee rights and protect against unfair practices in Northern California. Increased Minimum Wage Most healthcare employees, with exemption given to California State Hospitals, outpatient facilities…

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Posted by Legal Team On December 20, 2023

Guide to California Sexual Harassment Law

Sexual harassment in the workplace takes many forms. This type of harassment can look like intimidation, teasing, inappropriate comments, demotions, or bullying. Regardless of its method of delivery, sexual harassment is illegal. Whether the harassment is initiated by a coworker, supervisor, or client, documenting the incidents is…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 15, 2023

Does My Employer Have to Accommodate Lactation Needs? 

When you have had a baby, you may take some time off to create that important bond and help your child with their first months of life. Yet, many parents worry about what happens when they go back to work, especially if they are breastfeeding. You may…

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Posted by Legal Team On November 5, 2023

Is My Non-Compete Clause Valid in California? 

A non-compete clause is often a component of a contract, and while it may make sense from the business’s standpoint, it is rarely a good thing for the employee. In such a clause, the contract typically restricts a person from working with or through a direct competitor…

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Are There Protections for LGBTQ+ Employees in California?

Whether you are applying for a job or facing discrimination while already working for an employer, you may be unsure if you have the right to take legal action. Are there protections for LGBTQ+ employees in California? What should you do if you feel your rights have…

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Posted by Legal Team On October 15, 2023

Do I Get Paid Sick Leave in San Francisco?

Missing work is not something you want to do, but if you are ill and unable to go to work, you may be worried about what rights you have. Our employment law firm can help you with a wide range of legal matters regarding your rights. We…

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Posted by Legal Team On September 27, 2023

Can I be Fired for Using Cannabis Off the Clock?

Californians were legally permitted to use cannabis recreationally in January 2018 under Proposition 64. While this law made the possession of cannabis legal, it did not address or protect an employee from potential backlash from off-the-clock use of cannabis. The law will soon change. How will this…

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Posted by Legal Team On September 17, 2023

Can I Sue My Employer for Not Using My Preferred Pronouns?

Pronouns are used often to refer to gender and are critical to personal identity. Each individual has the right to choose how they identify, whether it is transgender, non-conforming, female, or male. And it can be demeaning to be addressed by the wrong pronouns. Purposefully addressing someone…

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Posted by Legal Team On August 30, 2023

What Types of Retaliation am I Protected from In California?

Employer retaliation is a very real and worrisome situation. If your employer is engaging in an activity that is not fair, you have the right to say something. Yet, you may be unsure what that could mean for your job and future references. At The Armstrong Law…

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