Wrongful Termination

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Posted by Legal Team On September 28, 2024

What Is A Separation Agreement?

In the professional realm, a separation or severance agreement is not one many people wish to see. These agreements are provided at the termination of employment and should offer an exchange that benefits both parties.  Separation Agreement Basics Generally, a separation or severance agreement is an agreement…

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How to File Wrongful Termination Suit in California

California and the federal government have very specific rules about termination of employment. California is an at-will employment state. That means that employers have the right to terminate an employee’s employment whenever they decide to do so, and sometimes, they do not have to provide a reason…

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Posted by Legal Team On May 10, 2023

Can You Be Fired Over a Failed Drug Test in California?

Pursuing a career in California can mean having more requirements than the simple day-to-day performance of the job. You could have to attend additional training and educational programs, have your performance at the job reviewed, and participate in mandatory drug testing. If you fail a drug test,…

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Posted by Legal Team On January 21, 2022

Can employers terminate an employee out on disability leave?

Like most people across the United States, workers in California are considered “at-will employees.” In general, this means employers can terminate employees at any time for any reason. The only caveat is that the termination follows a legal path for legal reasons. Numerous laws and regulations protect…

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Posted by Legal Team On September 8, 2020

Can your employer fire you for what you post online?

You’ve probably heard enough about “cancel culture” to understand that there’s a very real risk that what you post online can come back to haunt you. Just the same, in the heat of the moment, you may still lose your cool and post something that other people…

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Posted by Legal Team On August 6, 2020

What’s the ministerial exception to a wrongful termination claim?

The Supreme Court of the United States just handed down another blow that weakens the federal protections employees have against wrongful termination. Citing the “ministerial exception,” the SCOTUS rejected the claims against two California religious schools who were accused of discrimination and illegal termination of their employees….

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Posted by Legal Team On July 31, 2020

Wrongfully terminated? That’s not always the case

California has some of the most worker-friendly labor laws in the country, but that doesn’t mean that California employees always understand the various nuances of those laws. For instance, many people get confused about wrongful terminations. They may think that they are protected from being fired from…

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Posted by Legal Team On July 9, 2020

What makes a seemingly simple termination unlawful?

To most people, getting fired from a job always feels wrong or unfair, but in many of these cases, the termination is perfectly legal. Other times, your boss may have acted unlawfully when letting you go from your job. The problem for most is knowing when a…

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Posted by Legal Team On June 26, 2020

Think you’re about to be fired illegally? Don’t do these things

Your boss has clearly had it in for you for a while. Although the quality of your work hasn’t changed a bit, your once-stellar performance evaluations have suddenly turned dismal and you suspect that you’re about to be fired. It’s unfair. You also suspect that it’s illegal….

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Winning a wrongful termination case can be challenging

You just got fired from your job. Do you have any recourse for filing a case alleging wrongful termination? You may, although those cases can be among the toughest employment law cases to win. The reason for that is that most people have what is known as…

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