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Posted by Legal Team On July 9, 2015

President Obama seeks to help salaried workers with overtime

California employees have many rights that they can take advantage of in order to be treated fairly and respectfully in the workplace. Some of these employee rights come from California law, and some of them come from Federal law. This is usually good news for workers, because…

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Posted by Legal Team On July 2, 2015

Illegal firing and wrongful termination

People are sometimes confused by the concept of wrongful termination, particularly because termination is not always fair. In California, you can be fired for any reason and at any time by your employer as long as that reason is not illegal. Of course being fired for no…

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Posted by Legal Team On June 26, 2015

Exposure to pornography at work is sexual harassment

When most people think of sexual harassment at the workplace, they imagine a situation in which they are the victim of unwanted sexual advances (either physical or verbal) or bribed/blackmailed in a sexual way. While these examples certainly qualify as sexual harassment, and they are arguably the…

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California lawsuit alleges workplace discrimination

Those who do not follow the video game industry may not be aware that the industry is oftentimes a veritable bullseye for legal scrutiny. Most of the time, this legal action comes in the form of allegations that violent videogames promote violent behavior in youths, or in…

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Posted by Legal Team On June 12, 2015

Your rights regarding whistleblowing

Some employers feel that they can do whatever they want in an at-will state like California since the threat of termination is always present. But just because employers can fire their workers at any time, they cannot fire their workers for an illegal reason. One such illegal…

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Take advantage of your rights as a disabled employee

Just because someone has a disability does not mean that they cannot be productive, contributing members of society. There was a time that this was the prevalent opinion on disabled individuals, but that is no longer the case. Changes to state and federal law have made great…

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Ruby Tuesday settles sex discrimination lawsuit

Discrimination of any kind is illegal when it comes to employment, thanks in large part to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In addition to this federal agency, there are also state and federal laws that assist in preventing such workplace discrimination. Unfortunately, just because it…

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Posted by Legal Team On May 21, 2015

Sexual harassment claims are declining

When it comes to sexual harassment, nobody is immune. Sexual harassment can happen to anybody at any gender in any position of their life; sexual harassment does not discriminate based on race, gender or even sexual orientation. Fortunately for victims of sexual harassment, the law does not…

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Posted by Legal Team On May 15, 2015

I was fired for whistleblowing. Can I take legal action?

Whistleblowing has been much more prominent in the public mind in recent years, but the exact scope and meaning of it may still elude some people. Whistleblowing refers to an employee reporting illegal activities by their employer. Many times when an employee outs an employer in such…

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Legal aid in proving wrongful termination

You have probably heard about California’s at-will employment status, which grants employers the ability to fire employees whenever they see fit. What you may not know is that even though employers can fire their employees at any time and for almost any reason, they are prohibited from…

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