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Reasonable accommodations for executive dysfunction

“Executive dysfunctions” come in all shapes and sizes — and they can be caused by many different conditions like attention-deficient hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism. But you don’t have to be born with executive function deficits to have them. Many people develop problems with executive functions due…

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Posted by Legal Team On April 17, 2020

An employer’s duty to stop third-party harassment

When you work in any kind of business with the public, you may encounter all kinds of different people. No doubt, some of them you could do without. But what happens when one of your customers is outright hostile to you for some reason? What if a…

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Can you take a support animal to work with you?

Once upon a time, the only support animals being used by the disabled were “seeing eye dogs.” Today, however, support animals are used to assist everyone from diabetics and those with seizure disorders to people suffering from mental and emotional conditions like anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder…

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Posted by Legal Team On April 3, 2020

Is it legal to fire striking workers?

The weakening of the American union has made labor strikes less common than they once were — but they do still happen. Amazon warehouse employees, for example, recently staged a brief walkout in protest over what they said were unsafe working conditions. They were urging Amazon’s leadership…

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Posted by Legal Team On March 27, 2020

Restaurant employees keep getting cheated out of fair wages

Just this month, another news story broke about how restaurants are trying to skirt wage and employment laws. A popular Los Angeles restaurant has been fined $2.1 million for a variety of labor violations. The California Labor Commission’s investigators performed an audit of the Genwa Korean BBQ…

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How to talk to your employer about chronic pain

When you have a chronic condition that makes it difficult for you to work, you have every reason to ask your employer to make reasonable accommodations, so you can continue working. However, getting your employer to understand what “chronic” means when you’re dealing with any debilitating and…

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Could you be discriminated against due to your service animal?

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the use of service animals by some disabled people. Part of the problem is because so many nondisabled individuals try to pass off their pets as service animals or emotional support dogs. They make life harder for the truly disabled…

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Fears of coronavirus contagion lead to discrimination

You can’t look at the news without seeing the latest update on the Covid-19 or “coronavirus.” To add to the panic, there’s a lot of misinformation going around on the internet. There’s also a lot of racism and ignorance surfacing. In fact, discriminatory and outrageous reactions to…

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Posted by Legal Team On February 28, 2020

San Francisco Police Department accused of racial bias

Is there a serious bias against blacks in the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD)? An email from a city employee who was responsible for teaching anti-bias classes to officers alleges that the discrimination toward blacks in the department is both rampant and extreme. The email, which came…

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Posted by Legal Team On February 18, 2020

California Senate settles retaliation lawsuit for $310,000

Former Senator Tony Mendoza may have resigned his position in 2018 after a flurry of accusations involving sexual harassment, but his unfortunate legacy is still hanging over California. Another six-figure settlement has been made related to the senator — but it’s the taxpayers who have to pick…

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