Can I lose my job now that I’m pregnant?

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You are not alone in the myriad of emotions, thoughts and fears you may go through when you first realize you are expecting a new addition to the family as many new parents share a similar experience. While, the fact that becoming pregnant may cost them their job is not often the first thing on their mind, they probably wonder how they can provide a loving environment for their child to grow up in as they are not oblivious to the fact that it does cost money to raise a child.

The best possible scenario for every pregnant mother would be only to have to think about how to stay healthy while pregnant. Unfortunately, in today’s world of big business where time is money and missing time is discriminated against for any reason, becoming pregnant can lead to harassment in the workplace. Harassment can take many forms and being threatened with the possibility of losing your job if you are pregnant is a form of harassment often referred to as pregnancy discrimination.

If you are met with any discrimination, it is important to know your employee rights. According to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you can be off from work for up to 3 months without fear of being fired. Your employer must keep your position available for your return. There are also additional laws that protect you in the state of California under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).

There are many experienced attorneys whose area of expertise is employment law, and they are well versed in the rights of all employees, including employees who are victims of pregnancy discrimination.  With the right lawyer on your side, you can focus on delivering a healthy baby instead of having to worry about how you will provide for them once he or she is born.
