San Francisco Invasion of Privacy Attorney

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Have you discovered that your employer has videotaped or photographed you without permission? Have you uncovered secret cameras in an employee bathroom? Has your employer released private information such as tax records, medical information or explicit photos/videos? Were you threatened with the release of such information if you did not perform sexual acts or continue a sexual relationship? In such a circumstance, a quid pro quo lawyer in San Francisco may be able to help.

Invasion of privacy is often intertwined with sexual harassment, with one being used to advance the other. If you feel you are being sexually harassed through an invasion of your privacy, it is critical that you not seek just any law firm in the San Francisco Bay Area but one that focuses on representing victims of sexual harassment.

At The Armstrong Law Firm, we are dedicated to protecting the rights of employees who have suffered sexual harassment at the workplace. Whether the illegal conduct was by your boss, fellow co-worker or multiple parties, it is important to know that the law is on your side. You should not have to suffer such an extreme intrusion on your privacy as well as your right to work in a safe environment.

The Armstrong Law Firm represents victims throughout the Bay Area who have been sexually harassed by invasion of privacy. Find out more about how our San Francisco invasion of privacy attorney can help by calling (415) 909-3945. You can also message about your case here.

How Invasion Of Privacy Claims Work In California

You may have a valid invasion of privacy claim if you believe your employer is forcing impermissible surveillance on you. California civil laws allow you to file a claim against your employer. However, these cases are complex and can benefit from the legal guidance and resources of an experienced San Francisco invasion of privacy attorney.

California’s Invasion of Privacy Act recognizes four types of violations:

  • Unauthorized intrusion into private matters — This involves the intentional intrusion into another person’s private life, seclusion or solitude in such a way that is offensive. This intrusion must have a negative effect on the person.
  • Unauthorized public disclosure of private facts — This involves any public disclosure of private information to the public that does not need to be known. A person may have an invasion of privacy claim if that disclosure would be offensive to a reasonable person.
  • Misappropriating a person’s name or likeness — This involves someone using a person’s name or likeness for profit.
  • Portraying a person in a false light — This involves a person making some sort of public statement about someone else that creates a false impression of who that other individual is. The statement must be something that would be offensive to a reasonable person.

If you think that you are an invasion of privacy victim, speak with The Armstrong Law Firm about your situation. Our legal team understands the nuances of these cases and can help you determine if a violation occurred at work. We will also deploy the right investigatory resources and present our findings during negotiations or courtroom arguments when asserting your compensation rights.

When It May Not Be an Invasion of Privacy

Not all surveilled areas fall under the realm of privacy invasion. You might not have a claim or lawsuit under the following examples:

  • Leaving private communications in common areas that get read by others
  • Stops calling you repeatedly when asked to do so
  • Management reading employee work emails, even private ones

Some invasion of privacy cases are not as cut-and-dry as others. A San Francisco invasion of privacy attorney at The Armstrong Law Firm can help you understand if you have a valid claim or otherwise.

Invasion Of Privacy Can Be A Form Of Sexual Harassment

Invasion of privacy is one of the most damaging types of sexual harassment because it damages a person’s reputation and personal relationships; this can include anything from leaking important and private information in order to coerce you into a sexual relationship or secretly recording you in places that are clearly private — such as the restroom.

Other types of actions that are considered sexual harassment through invasion of privacy include:

  • Physically invading your personal space, such as at your workstation or desk
  • Recording you in the restroom, dressing room or other private area
  • Taking your picture without your knowledge and releasing it on the Internet via social media
  • Threatening to release confidential information or video/photos of a sexual relationship
  • Blackmailing you to conduct sexual acts or engage in a sexual relationship

A valid claim requires you to prove three primary elements, including your protected interest, reasonable expectation of privacy, and that a severe invasion occurred. The Armstrong Law Firm will help you devise a case strategy around the facts and evidence that demonstrate how an invasion of privacy violation occurred in your workplace.

Invasion Of Privacy In The Workplace

The most common kind of invasion of privacy claim in the workplace is an unauthorized intrusion into private matters. In California, to win an invasion of privacy claim in an employment setting, you must demonstrate that your employer intentionally intruded on a conversation, matter or location where you should have had a reasonable expectation of privacy. In addition, the intrusion has to be more than an annoyance; it has to be offensive to a reasonable person.

Invasion of privacy at work can also be something that depicts a person in a false light. In the workplace, this may include workplace monitoring, stalking, or disseminating damaging rumors about a co-worker to damage his or her reputation.

It is not uncommon for individuals to be reluctant to report invasion of privacy for fear of retaliation at the workplace. You should know there are laws to protect you from retaliatory acts at your job. Our workplace retaliation attorneys in San Francisco will guide you through the reporting process and how you can protect yourself from wrongful termination.

The Armstrong Law Firm Will Hold Your Detractors Accountable

You have a right to privacy in the workplace. While internal communications are fair game, recording someone without their consent is illegal at the criminal and civil levels. If someone violated your rights, The Armstrong Law Firm will pursue all viable options for the compensation and justice afforded to you under California and federal employment laws.

Our San Francisco invasion of privacy lawyer will hold employers accountable for:

  •  Criminal penalties
  • Restitution
  • Civil penalties
  • And more

At The Armstrong Law Firm, our legal team of employment law lawyers in San Francisco will investigate the violation you suffered and take appropriate action at your discretion. We have in-depth knowledge regarding the law and how it affects your situation. Your San Francisco invasion of privacy lawyer will provide a personalized solution so that you get the results you deserve.

Compensation Is Available Under California Law

An invasion of privacy violation could involve the criminal court system since some actions are not only unethical but they are also downright illegal. A criminal case against the offending party could help provide your civil case, however. A proven civil claim would allow you to recover compensation for your losses.

Compensation may include:

  • Emotional distress
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Lost future earnings
  • Punitive damages
  • And more

Initial Consultations with Our San Francisco Invasion of Privacy Attorney

For a consultation with a sexual harassment through invasion of privacy lawyer at The Armstrong Law Firm, call (415) 909-3945 or contact us online. We handle cases of workplace sexual harassment in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and Marin County.